Saturday, January 21, 2012

A year


I'm fairly sure no one reads these anymore. I mean, I'm hardly interesting to begin with and when I don't update it's even harder to keep interest I'm sure.

However, it has been brought to my attention that it will soon be a year since my last post. I felt enough shame to try to keep that from happening.

Right now I am doing a 30 day Yoga Challenge at Studio 330. It is awesome :D Though my body is getting a little achy from so much so suddenly.

I am currently listening to Kate Nash radio on we7 while avoiding my Abnormal Psychology reading. "Those Were The Days" by Mary Hopkins is an awesome song others may want to check out.

At yoga tonight Dallas read "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. I really enjoyed it so I will share it with you:

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dreams
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your
fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.

If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.

© 1995 by Oriah House, From "Dreams Of Desire"
Published by Mountain Dreaming, 300 Coxwell Avenue, Box 22546, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4L 2A0

In recent news... SOPA. Also, earlier today Duck shared his story of how he met the Grandmaster of Wu Shu.

Kingston is awesome! Chloe, Rachael, Ross, and Erin are great housemates.

Anyway I should really get some homework done - so there you go. Lamest post - but at least there is one :P

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February Second

Once upon a time in February a negligent young woman decided to take a second to update her blog:

Since I have a French test tomorrow, I'll keep this brief.

Today I was looking for books on Gericault's Portraits of the Insane when Eugene, the head librarian, came in and we got to talking about politics of all things. I learned that in the most recent election there was such a high voter turn out that people were queued up for hours and when it hit 10 o'clock in many places all the people waiting outside were locked out and lost their chance to vote. Other places ran out of ballots long before 10. Basically, it was a huge mess. The party that got in was by minority so they were really afraid the people would raise a stink about it so they paid them off. And they are now selling the national forests. It was a very informative discussion.

I've also had interesting discussions with my Psychology, Art History, and English professors lately!
I started music lessons too. Diana is a really wonderful teacher and I'm excited to be learning alongside Lina. After muscle and breathing exercises we did some scales (one was with semitones - OMG that's hard!) We were also practising agility using our diaphragms and Lina and I were starting to sound like that girl from the grudge when Diana instructed use to loosen our jaws and suddenly super impressive sounds were coming out of our mouths - It was Awesome!

I have to study for French though :( I MISS EVERYONE! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!

Oh, and last week I realized that for the first time in my life I was missing my sister's birthday... which was basically devastating.

On that cheery note, I'm off to work!

Cara <3

Thursday, November 18, 2010

So... I totally win at blogging...

I realize I've failed again in recording my adventures - I'm too busy LIVING them!

So here's the blog I started and have been trying to finish for weeks - It's still unfinished (surprise, surprise!):

Hey Everyone!

Sorry about the last few posts I know they're kinda lame. I'm not gonna lie - this one probably is too.

I just thought I'd talk a bit about my midterm trip before it gets too far behind me.

So the night before we left I stayed up with Angela, Ross, and Ashley and we watched both Harry Potter Musicals. It was epic! I was eating delicious 'Ben's Cookies' and we sometimes broke between scenes to have a dance/singing session.

When we got on the bus at 4:00am I was SO ready for sleep. They were nice fancy coach buses so it was pretty darn comfy but by the time they finished explaining things and we actually got going it was light out and for some reason I couldn't fall asleep no matter what I did.

When I finally did doze off I was woken up minutes later and informed we would be stopping every 2 and a half hours and everyone would have to get off the coach for 45min. Sleep deprived Cara was not happy. Thankfully after we ate at the media museum I started to cheer up and happily explored with Wendy, Keybi, and Ashley. When we got back on the bus people voted to watch the Big Bang Theory and we picked up right where Nick and I left off - that was happy. I had a good sleep and discovered at the next rest stop that we were in Scotland because there was suddenly a lot of Scottish souvenirs at the convenience store. 'Grease' was the next movie chosen and I dozed off again quite happily.

Our first night in Edinburgh I left the hotel with my roommates Wendy and Ashley to find some food. After briefly passing through what seemed to be a somewhat sketchy street we found a place called 'biblos' offering 30% off all food and drinks for students. It was kinda classy - with pictures of famous authors on the walls and a large well stocked bookshelf to one side. We split 2 plates of some of the most delicious Nachos I've ever had and then wandered back to bed basically (after making a few wrong turns and coming just within a block of the Travel Lodge and then turning around because we thought we might be lost Hahaha)

For a Petrolian like me it's still pretty amazing to walk through hilly towns and cities where the road rises up before you or falls away behind you. Monday we visited the Castle - which was pretty amazing and beautiful, then Ashley and I ate at 'The Filling Station' and rested our feet after snagging pictures with 'William Wallace' who raises money for charity there. I guess we visited the Writer's Museum before eating too. It was neat but I didn't know much about the authors they featured and have never read their works yet (though I have, of course, heard of them) so it was hard to get too excited. One of the coolest parts, I thought, was passing and exploring the winding alleys.

The rest of the day we happily explored the city - at psda (a secondhand store whose proceeds go to an animal shelter) we tried on silly outfits, laughing a lot, and I got a halloween costume.

- That's as far as I got - Haha! :P

Friday, October 22, 2010

From Mrs. Mozart to Mammut

So as an attempt to cut-down on blog size (and because I'm procrastinating) I thought I would jot down a few quick notes about what I've been up to lately.

After I last wrote, the Musicians in Residence put on a stirring performance - I cried. Then today our French field study was to go and watch Mammut which made me want to cry for other reasons...

Today is the Quidditch Day. I'm on the red team!

Or was rather - It was awesome!

Now I'm off on the Midterm Trip!

Love you all!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bubbles, Paralysis, and Other Such Lunchtime Nonsense

It has come to my attention that it has been over a month since I last wrote a half-decent blog post and I apologize for not keeping a more regular account (though I'm only hurting myself in the end anyway).

I am currently working on my Art History essay on Bronzino's Allegory with Venus and Cupid. It is worth 50% of my term mark so I should be getting on to that but today is such a perfect day I thought I just had to try and capture this profound happiness and gratitude that I feel right now.

First, to tie up some loose ends:

The Globe Theatre was absolutely amazing. I thought my feet would get soar or I would be too tired to actually enjoy it but the performance was phenomenal. The cast captured my full attention and I spent hours pressed right up against the stage, completely enraptured. When intermission came all of us groundlings shared a common ear-to-ear beaming smile. Ashley ran to the gift shop to get the soundtrack and got back before they closed the stage. (and locked us in again - we were right up against the stage but a rounded walk-way arched behind us wear action also took place. Sorry for the poor description. - It was really impressive though. I never felt like any of the actors had their backs to me. Actually, I feel like we had a richer experience there than the rest of the audience got.)
Falstaff and the wives were hilarious! The women were such believable best-friends. They all performed so well. Especially Mr. Ford the jealous husband (method of acting inspired by Mr. Fawlty in Fawlty Towers). It was a shame that planes flying overhead sometimes made it hard to hear - but he played it up wonderfully! The costumes for the forest spirits they had were fascinating as well - especially the frog-like costumes they had for the children - made out of simple materials.

Ashley and I skipped all the way back to the bus the play had filled us with so much energy! It was perfect - this is the production I saw (same actors): On the way home we watched the first part of A Very Potter Musical which all of you must watch because it is wonderful. We (I suppose I could call us a group - pretty much all the people I've made friends with so far - Keybi, Jordan, Ashley, Chloe, Ross, Angela, Rachael, Rachael, Alex, Erin... more or less, I feel like I'm missing someone :( oops) randomly burst into song with it all the time! The guy playing Harry wrote it btw.

As for my next blogpost from the Institut Francais I was cut off because they had to close. The British museum was great but crowded and I really wasn't feeling well. Afterwards I tagged along with 2 girls who also had to navigate London to find the French Institute too even though they were going shopping because I had a voice nagging in the back of my head 'Don't do anything dangerous' and I thought wandering around London by myself, not knowing where I was going, and feeling under the weather might fall under the category of 'Dangerous'.

Eventually though I ended up doing just that because I was no fun as a shopping partner and needed to go at my own pace. So, I grabbed a hot chocolate at Starbucks, checked the map, and hopped on the tube and found the institute. The tube was really cool - The cars are smaller than the ones I've used in Toronto which surprised me for some reason. The one escalator I took back up had me tripping though - It was so long and steep I started to lose my centre of gravity - I kept having the urge to lean back so that I was perpendicular to the sides. I was all like 'Ooooh, we're in the future!' (inside joke with Ashley - said like Trav's 'future car')

I was SO happy when I was on my own - it's ridiculous! I mean, it's nice being shown around places but I just LOVE exploring (that's why I'll still open random doors I pass in the castle when I think so one's looking - So far, I've found some bathrooms and a broom closet... :P ) When I settled in at the library I had a nice study session after geeking out on the 2 stories and the ladders attached to the shelves on the second story so people could retrieve books.

After I was kicked off the computer I wandered outside briefly before retreating back in from the bitter cold. I didn't have money for dinner at the cafe but I had my packed lunch with me so I hid on the stairs and gobbled it down like a rat-person or something.

Inside and warm I grabbed a panflet, watched them set out the wine, and waited briefly for someone else to show up. When they did I was informed that they were from the Art History group as well and apparently the bus with the Spanish classes on it had broken down and they may not make it. Selfish as I am I just thought 'but how am I getting home? :( - they were staying in London for the weekend at a hostel) I went with them to a bar and chatted a bit but wasn't interested in drinking so went back to the institute to wait.

Everyone made it and after a bit of chaos we started the movie.

OMG - it was GOOD! I can't even say what it was about it exactly but I walked away thinking 'That's the best movie I've seen all year' (take that Avatar?). Seriously though, it's a tragedy and a little gory but I think Celda 211 is totally worth watching. You should all check it out. Everyone I talked with afterwards agreed with me. I think I mostly slept on the way back :P

The next weekend I went to The National Gallery - It totally blew me away. Laura (I think that was the name of Daphne's friend who gave us a tour) was excited to hear that I'd never seen any famous paintings in person - and she was right to be, there's just something about seeing the original in person that takes you aback.

I ate lunch with Chuan Ji and then spent 6 hours looking around at all of the paintings. When I stumbled upon the domed ceiling with towering Corinthian columns looking like red marble with gold capitals I felt like I could honestly faint. I'm not trying to be dramatic - I just felt like I was having a fine arts overload.

I left half an hour before I needed to be at Cleopatra's Needle and ducked into another Starbucks to have a hot drink and get out of the rain. The only seat left in the place was a big armchair. I sat there looking out on the London street, listening to the various accents of people around me, and feeling as though I was just absorbing the culture from the air around me.

I had dressed up a bit that day because I was sick of people taking pictures on field studies of me in my grubs looking half-awake but not a single person had. So I thought I should take a picture of myself since I went through the effort. That's the one I put as my profile pic and everyone was complimenting - I argue that it's a fluke and I must have absorbed the beauty through osmosis while being surrounded by so many beautiful paintings (like Moses :P ) Nah, It just looks nice because I was so happy!

I stopped in the street to take the picture and an old man walked by and said 'Oh! That'll be a good one!' Hahaha! - Reminds me off the Fisherman outside the Globe - to me and Ashley: 'Oh lok, she go't wet. Mind the wa'er! *chuckle* Mind the wa'er! I don't know why I'm laughing it isn't very funny is it? Hahaha!' and he continued down the street :P

The following weekend I caught one of the buses and met Bri. (I feel like a master at navigating the tube now) It was SO good to visit with her and Liam is SOOOOOO CUTE! Jon is very nice and so are their friends. I had got a third round of the Castle Plague, as we call it, and wasn't feeling my best, not to mention I had to do homework most of the time, so I probably wasn't the most interesting house guest but I still think we had lots of fun.

Their dogs are really cuddly and cute. Liam is obsessed with Handy Manny. Bri and Jon are watching through Glee together. Bri's first turkey turned out to be the most delicious turkey I've ever had (sorry Mom). We watched The Jones together, went shopping, went on base, etc. I took a bath both nights I was there - It felt SOOO GOOOD! I also called Jess McA because she refuses to get skype and talk to me that way - which is fine actually. It was really good to talk with her again.

Hillsong United Church is insane! It's awesome and intense and sincere! Check out the pictures on facebook of the concert-looking thing I was at. It was an awesome service - unfortunately I had to leave early to catch the train to get to Polegate. On the train - which is set up with tables like booths in a restaurant - I chatted with a man from Spain named Marco. He is working in London right now to improve his English but hopes to move back to Spain soon. A minibus came and picked me up at Polegate. The other person had cancelled so I was the only one. The driver was a very nice man though - we listened to Classical music all the way back and I made it in time for Supper.

I think last week was when Ashley held her meeting recruiting members for a Castle Quidditch Team. I went for moral support since she gave me puppy dog eyes but I've been hooked. I'm joining the Quidditch team. Our first game is this Saturday - I'm so excited!! :D

Last weekend we went to Canterbury. It was hands-down my favourite trip yet! It's just a wonderful town and I had a wonderful comrade to explore it with. After my Art History tour of the Cathedral, I met up with Ashley and she took me on a second tour around showing me things she knew about that my group didn't touch on. Then we wandered the streets, got thoroughly lost, then unlost, and then found ourselves outside a delightful little building where we decided to grab lunch.

It was the best meal I've ever had - The most fun I've ever had eating-out.

The Moat Tea Room was absolutely darling. The view was great, the service was great, the company was great, the cottage pie and hot chocolate were awesome. We signed the guest book and sung its praises :)

Then we went back to Canterbury Cathedral to see the crypt which was not open in the morning when we had our tours. We could not take pictures but I really enjoyed exploring it with Ashley. We reverently examined the 1000 year old wall paintings and the bizarre capitals (the smiling cat and mustached cat were particularly interesting) A choir was practicing down there - somewhere we couldn't see which was half-funny, half-eerie, half-inspiring (Yes, three halfs).

We met up with Ross for a bit afterwards. Marveled more at where we were and then I had to leave for my English Field Study of the Canterbury Tales. It was kinda creepy. Not bad but not phenomenal. I wouldn't have paid money to see it again.

Unfortunately I got very car-sick on the way home and almost threw-up :( And after most people got off the bus to go to dinner I was still sitting waiting for my stomach to settle. Out of no where my bus driver starts honking his horn and I look up in time to see one of the other buses slowly, as if deliberately, back into us. Our windshield cracked and looked like a spiderweb while the back of his bus now had a huge dent (people were still on our bus and the other bus was full because it hadn't stopped yet). It was the strangest thing. All I heard in explanation was 'yeah he seemed really old and deaf, poor guy's gonna pay for that'. Weird.

I went straight to my room to lie down and thought I'd skip out on Harry Potter Theme Night at the pub. Thankfully I felt well enough to go when the time came to head down otherwise I probably would have been lynched. It was a lot of fun! My roommate and her 2 best friends went all out and looked great. We danced and played card-golf which is a lot cooler than it sounds (Ross taught it to us). I had a butter-beer which was hands-down the best alcoholic drink I have ever had - It is Ambrosia! We had a lot of fun and of course went singing back to the dorm.

Yoga and Wing Tsun are awesome. I get beat up one day and work on spiritual healing the next - it's cool.

Other than that I've been working hard and school and socializing when I have the time.

Today Ross showed Ashley and I a few tricks - he tricked my hands into feeling like they were holding a giant bubble, he got me to temporarily paralyze my own hand, and read our palms. I showed them witchy-fingers. We were goofing off and having a lot of fun - they had me laughing so hard I was crying! Oh and we burst into Christmas songs as well :P

The last thing I did before writing this was mail the Thank-You letter to the man who organized the Nicol Scholarship.

Now Jessica is telling me about the various substances Gwen is excreting and their relative quantities.

It's a wonderful life.

Love you all and I'll try to write more regularly from now on for all our sakes!

Cara Gosh-I-can't-believe-I-spent-three-hours-on-this-when-I-should-have-been-editing-my-essay Brandon

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm on a mac

Maintainant, je suis dans la mediatheque de l'intitut francais, London, UK. It's nice.

I left at 8:30am to go on a field study to the British Museum today and I'm stuck in London until the Spanish Film festival starts at 8:00pm.

British Museum? Phenomenal! Exploring busy London tout-seul? Exciting! Doing my french homework at the Institut Francais? Excellente!

Having a terrible cold and crippling cramps throughout the whole thing? Not so stellar.

"Behold! The Parthenon Frieze! There is Persephone! There is Dionysus!"

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'll have no poulet sperm in my brewage!

So, first week of classes is officially over and we've just had our first field studies trip to London for a short tour and to see The Merry Wives of Windsor at Shakespeare's Globe.

My classes seem intellectually stimulating and enjoyable. I sat in on Psychology and decided I liked it so much I would switch into it. Apparently the History course I would have had is pretty cool and less stressful a workload but since I'm really interested in psychology and resolved to take it (even after I heard that the exam is worth 80% and I need to get 78% at least in the class in order to be able to continue into second year) I still think I made the right decision. Unfortunately by the time I switched I was 2 Chapters behind in my reading of the textbook.

Similarly, I misinterpreted my French homework and need to study 4 chapters this weekend instead of the 2 I expected.

Art History is going to be really cool. Daphne (the teacher of aforementioned subject) is really down-to-earth.

Spanish is really basic so far but I'm happy to get more opportunity to practice speaking it. Unfortunately the accent of Northern Spain sounds like a lisp to me and even though I know I shouldn't insult so many people's manner of speech and just learn to embrace it - It's driving me absolutely insane! The C and Z are pronounced like a TH. (The teacher's last name is Ceraceda - pronounced Theratheda) Hopefully I'll get used to it soon.

I'm excited for English. I've read Twelfth Night in preparation for Monday's class and we did close reading on Michael Ondaatje's The Cinnamon Peeler, Robert Browning's My Last Duchess, and Blur's Charmless Man. We'll be reading Jane Eyre (which I did my independent novel study on last year) so that should be interesting especially when followed up by Wide Sargasso Sea . Also this semester we'll read Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest.

Now that I have you caught up unto my real focus - yesterday.

The day started out like crap. After going to bed at 1 I woke up at 3 - Wide Awake - the sort of wide awake where you're actually SO tired and want to sleep so badly but just can't. After tossing and turning - paranoid I would wake up my roommate with the slightest movement because everything sounds so loud at night - I gave up and jumped out of bed at 7 and took a shower. I was in such a bad mood I wrote Nick a FAT facebook message complaining about it.

Once I started complaining about not getting sleep before my big trip where I would be walking around for several hours and then standing in one place for a couple more hours I complained about everything. I was all like "I'm behind on 2 homework assignments! I'm a failure! People are gonna be disappointed in me! I suck!"

At the end I was like - "Man this is a crappy message, don't worry too much about what I'm saying I'm probably just sleep deprived. I am worried though, so just keep me in your prayers :)"

Almost immediately after, I see that Keegan Travis, a friend from camp who's really great to talk with, added me on facebook. We had a serious chat about life with Jessica McA where we were talking about how we're a community and we care about/support each other. Seeing his friend request made me think of that and made me really happy. As if God wanted to make sure I got the message, Edith started im-ing me and ended up telling me exactly what I needed to hear.

I left Bader Hall with my laptop in hand (I was using it in the hall because I didn't want to wake my roommate) and stepped out into the crisp Autumn air towards the castle for some hot breakfast. On the way I passed the Observatory, fascinated to see the dome open during the day, and noted that the way the morning sunlight hit the dew in the grass made the lawn light up like shimmering silver. I passed Jeanne and Monsieur Baguley in front of the tea room and said a quick 'Bonjour!'

Yeah, so I pretty much went from being a low-blood-pressure Demon Queen to a Disney Princess.

The dining room was empty and the cooks and I shared a laugh over the vast majority of late-risers. I grabbed my breakfast and, thankful to have my laptop with me, searched the internet for a brief description of the play we were to be seeing that night. A crowd of people I know came in and sat with me so I grabbed a tea and chatted for a while. Then I headed back before the rest to get a crack at my homework. The sky was beautiful with fluffy clouds, the birds were singing, the squirrels were scurrying, it was absolutely ridiculous.

So I worked away in my room for a while with the door open, as per the custom. I had discovered the wonder of listening to my ipod with my skype headphones and was perfectly content when out of the corner of my eye I see someone slow down when passing my door. I turned and gave them a smile. The gorgeous, model-like, long-haired blonde stood in my doorway in nothing but a generic white towel - hair still damp. ('Cara, are you bi or something?' 'Alas dear reader I've not half so interesting a secret to impart. I only wanted to tell the truth of it because we're not a unisex dorm so this was quite a strange sight.')

"Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry to bother you but -" nervous glances over both shoulders. "Could you do me a huge favour?"

Who says no to a terrified diva left so vulnerable in a hallway where rowdy boys wander about? Not I.

She had locked herself out of her room and after my second trip to the front desk we got the one-time-use keycard to work.
"Thank you so much! I really owe you one!"
"Not at all! Ciao!" :D *and wave* - I returned to my homework.
Disney Princess? PAH! I'm a freaking knight saving damsels in distress!

I am awesome.

After a bit more homework I packed up and headed for lunch with a group of girls, packed for supper, and headed for the buses with my friends Chloe, Jordan, and Ashley. Ashley, a fifth year, has become my trip buddy because she's awesome like that. :D (Nanowrimo brought us together)

We chatted Shakespeare and marveled at the scenery every so often between which I read Twelfth Night. We got into London ahead of schedule so we chatted and checked out the gift shop. There were a lot of birds in the square we started in. I was afraid of getting pooed on the whole time - right as we were leaving the girl next to me was. :(

In the gift shop, everything looked pretty nice but nothing I regretted not bringing my money to get. That was until I saw it.

It was the 'B' that caught my eye. I've probably been conditioned to notice it because of 'Brandon'. I pointed it out to Ashley. A: "Whoa! Anne Boleyn!" C: Who? A: The second wife of Henry the eighth. That's a replica of the necklace she was wearing in her last portrait. C: Oh. I just pointed it out because my last name starts with B. A: Are you going to get it? C: It's £20. A: That's a nice price. You could get away with it too because of the last name. I would get it but it'd be weird wearing it. C: Meh, I didn't bring money *lingering glance*

Flashback: Marilyn (who I worked with for years): Cara, you're to use that £25 on something completely frivolous do you understand? No books, no meals - something for yourself and then I want you to come back and tell me about it.

C: Actually, Ashley? Could I pay you back...


Ashley was so kind as to give me a history lesson about her too. We continued together on the tour of London and I had both Ronald (the hired tour guide) and Ashley to tell me all about it.

I have a bonfire to get to so it looks like I'm have to continue this later though. :D